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with Fran Fisher

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“Transforming Your Life” Book

Fran Fisher

“Fran Fisher is a Master Certified Coach. Her mission is to empower her clients in achieving their visions while living their best lives. Fran is a visionary leader, international speaker, and published author.
Fran is recognized internationally as one of the pioneers for coaching. She served as a founding, Executive Board member of the International Coach Federation, and she was the first Executive Director of ACTO, the Association for Coach Training Organizations. She has been serving as Credentialing Assessor for the international association since 1998.
In 1991, Fran founded the Living Your Vision® (LYV) process for empowering individuals in transforming their visions into reality. In 1997, Fran founded the Academy for Coach Training, one of the first (ICF) accredited schools.
Fran’s highest vision is a world where everyone is enjoying a rich and fulfilling life, living true to their essence, life purpose, and values. She believes this is what the world needs of us—to be true to ourselves—and that coaching is the contribution we can make for this transformation in our world”

Calling Forth Greatness, Seven Coaching Wisdoms for

Transforming Your Life book




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